Plan International Annual Review

Plan International Annual Review

Plan International

Annual Review

Plan International is a development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.

Having worked with Plan for a number of years, we have a thorough understanding of the organisation which makes the briefing process much easier and faster. For our most recent project – a worldwide annual review – Plan trusted us to understand what they wanted based on a single phone call.

We used strong, positive photography and bold infographics to communicate key projects around the globe and highlight future investment plans.

Working with nim design is a joy. They always produce astounding design, they meet our tight deadlines and they really listen to what we want. I honestly couldn’t ask for any more.

Deborah Kenchington, Former Publishing and Design Manager
Plan International Programme Areas
Plan International in 2014
Plan International, Disaster Risk Management
Plan International, Child Protection
Plan International, Financial Overview
Plan International Annual Review
21 of 40 in annual reports.