Power of illustration

If organising a photo shoot is a challenge right now, illustrations might be the way to go. An illustrative approach is also an excellent alternative if the subjects’ privacy is a concern. 

But illustrations aren’t just about convenience. They offer a distinct look and feel for your brand, which can set you apart from your competitors. In addition, they should provide you with a timeless image bank of assets which can be used over and again. 

Take a look at some of our illustrated projects for clients; these examples demonstrate how illustrations can chime with your target audience, underpin your key messaging, boost your brand and give longevity to the materials.

The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution
Wellbeing booklet

We brought life and vitality to this wellbeing booklet with vivid images. They are eye catching, upbeat and have been cleverly repurposed many times by the client.  

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Plan International
Youth Advocacy toolkit

Illustrations work well for this education campaign toolkit for Plan International. The illustrations used in this toolkit are friendly and appealing. They engage younger audiences and persuade them to fight for their rights to an education.

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Multiple Sclerosis International Federation
Fatigue booklet 

These striking, colourful illustrations are a helpful visual prompt for this publication addressing the impact of fatigue on people with MS. As well as larger artworks which illustrate broad themes, we developed a collection of smaller complementary graphics to communicate secondary messages.   

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